Aisling O'Brien Photography

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Aisling O’Brien Photography | A Business Update


So, this is the kind of update that people usually give in video format, sitting in the car (amazing lighting) or at their desk. Unfortunately, the very thought of talking into the camera fills me with such fear that my stomach lurches. So here I am, at my desk, typing instead. But please do imagine this in video! Of course, I’m in full makeup and with hair done to perfection …. or if you want to be all real about it, I’m sitting at my messy desk in my usual school-run uniform; shorts and a shirt.

I thought it was about time that I gave a little business update for anyone that was interested to know where I’m at. I know, I know, I am hit and miss with social media at the best of times, but even for me the last little while has been a bit quiet.  

Aisling O’Brien Photography is in it’s fourth year of life. That’s crazy to think of, all the countless hours of work over the years, behind all the systems and processes and strategies that go into running a small business and taking care of clients. The actual photography side of running this show is just a fraction of the whole beast. That took a little while to sink in, being honest.

The last four years have had some major peaks and troughs, I’m talking about you, lockdowns! We also added to our family in this time which kept me out of action for a little while. I did come back to it when our little girl was just a few months old, but a more low-key version where I chose my jobs carefully. When you realise what a finite source your energy is, you quickly learn where and when it should be applied.  

In those early years, I had that single minded, hyper-focus, squirrel-on -crack vibe!! My every waking moment was spent pushing and hustling and driving things forward. Building the systems that are the foundation of how I take care of my clients, pushing my photography skills forward through endless study. Trying to build a network of peers, so I wasn’t going at it totally alone.

I have since had a few big life events which have given me more perspective on life and how I want to manage this business whilst also caring for my family. Working in a field that you are totally and utterly passionate about is a luxury and I really don’t take that for granted. That same drive that I began with is still there but it’s a little bit more focused these days.

I am about to take three weeks off, to celebrate a ... um big birthday … which I’m not quite ready to talk about yet. Not only is it our first ever family holiday abroad (living the expat life means all our savings/annual leave goes to travelling home to Ireland), but we also get to spend the next few weeks with the best group of family and friends who are also travelling with us. I’d like to think it’s for us, but I know in my heart cocktails at the swim up bar in a giant Buddha head is the main attraction!

When I return, it’s time for my littlest girl to start at day-care and my bigger two will be at school. This will give me the time to dedicate again to building this small corner of the photography world.

I’m excited to get stuck back in, with a clear mind and hopefully more sleep than we’ve had over the last year and a bit.

To you, friends, clients, family and all my supporters thank you for the last four years and I can’t wait to show you all the wonderful photos that are yet to be made in the years to come.

If you’ve been thinking about having some photos made but need a little help or guidance, I am always a message away … unless I’m busy at the swim up bar.